Sunday, December 15, 2013

Chataamari (Nepali pizza)

If you go to some Newari restaurants in Kathmandu with a craving for pizza, you may be addressed by the attendants with these amiable words- “Would you like to give a try to Nepali pizza?” And you may wonder what on earth that really is. Well, they are talking about none other than ‘Chataamari’ which is a very popular Newari (an ethnic group in Nepal) dish.
It is a type of pancake that is made out of rice flour that serves the function of base, just like in pizza. Onto it the toppings of onion, tomatoes, green peas, garlic, ginger and even egg or meat are added that make this cuisine complete. The whole lot is then kept in a flat pan containing some oil, heated with a lid covering it and then ……. There you are!!!!!!!!  Nepali pizza is ready to be finally served now!!

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So, way to go folks!!! Try Nepali pizza when you have a beautiful travel in Nepal as it is one of the popular activities to do in Kathmandu.

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