My excitement knew no bounds when a raft guide rowed our inflatable boat. Immediately following that, my delight was quite subsided because the river was calm and the trip seemed to be very 'peaceful'. This boredom lasted for a few minutes only after which we came across an area of high water current called 'rapid', where I could feel some rise in my adrenaline level.
The real fun began when the guide urged each one of us to dive into the flowing river. He insisted that we dare to take such a life-time experience because such chances do come rarely. Even if I never learnt how to swim and I also had this particular kind of phobia relating water (May I call it hydrophobia???) and its fathomless depth, I had an impulse to comply with him. Though my fear was forbidding me to fall off the boat, something within me pushed the whole of myself outside and I was there into the water, still holding on to the ropes tied around the boat. I couldn't let go of that bolster for a long time until I finally dared to release it.
That moment of 'letting go' was simply wonderful. I could feel as if I had got victory over my own inhibitions. I was literally floating over the water with the support of my life-jacket and my eyes closed. As the flow of water was carrying me toward our destination, I could feel the warmth of the sun over my face. I lived that moment to the fullest and wished it would never end. Nevertheless, I had to climb back to my boat after traversing some miles and the journey on the boat resumed.
The expedition continued for nearly three hours in which duration we had covered about 16 km. Today, if somebody asks me how the trip was, I have a ready-made answer for them, "It was awesome!!!! Try it once!!"
So, what are you waiting for? Give up your second thoughts and just do it! Bon Voyage folks!!